By: Ryan Moreland (@ryanmoreland)
We are back with the middle rounds of the Season 19 draft. There is still so much talent left on the board (including a few names I was shocked weren’t in the first round). Let’s find out where some of these players got drafted.
Note: This is not a pro league, just a draft for fun.
Another note: I didn’t track trades this season because there were so many this season. I am reworking how they are tracked so we have them for next season.
Round 2
Pick | Selection | Team | GM |
1 | MLB Jameson Weinrich, LSU | Carolina Panthers | Gunn |
2 | MLB Candace Navarro, Miami | Washington Commanders | Triipz |
3 | HB Toby Knerr, Boise State | Houston Texans | Clutch |
4 | QB Baker Thomas, Auburn | Dallas Cowboys | Blake Grant |
5 | WR Ken Dixon III, LSU | Los Angeles Chargers | Stephens |
6 | DE TJ Gardner, Notre Dame | Washington Commanders | Triipz |
7 | WR Delmas Williams, Miami | Atlanta Falcons | Tankasaursrex |
8 | OLB Tee Boozer, Boise State | Houston Texans | Clutch |
9 | SS DJ Sutton, Miami | New York Jets | SilentxNinja |
10 | CB Chris Bryant, Florida State | Tennessee Titans | ryanmoreland |
11 | DE Robert Green, Texas | Tennessee Titans | ryanmoreland |
12 | CB Cole Matthews, Notre Dame | Carolina Panthers | Gunn |
13 | TE Perry Pushkaryov, Florida State | Jacksonville Jaguars | AssuredFame |
14 | CB Ky Williams, Alabama | Houston Texans | Clutch |
15 | SS Steven Lee, Georgia | Miami Dolphins | CLawrence |
16 | OLB Cristiano Valentine, Georgia | Philadelphia Eagles | Stmac |
17 | OLB Jaydyn Riley, Florida | Carolina Panthers | Gunn |
18 | WR Damian Jones, Notre Dame | Las Vegas Raiders | Grin |
19 | CB Jett Pickens, Florida | Pittsburgh Steelers | beatitdownb |
20 | OLB Malachi Calloway, Auburn | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
21 | WR Tyson Steele, Miami | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
22 | WR Freddy Chen, Florida | San Francisco 49ers | SGEasty |
23 | DE Titus Law, Ohio State | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
Round 3
Pick | Selection | Team | GM |
1 | DE Tabitha Duke, Texas | Chicago Bears | Ware |
2 | CB Tyler Scally, Michigan | Washington Commanders | Triipz |
3 | HB Ike Porter, Notre Dame | Las Vegas Raiders | Grin |
4 | DT Dru Hanna, Florida | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
5 | HB Fred Thomas, Oklahoma State | Los Angeles Chargers | Stephens |
6 | MLB Justin Brown, Texas | Tennessee Titans | ryanmoreland |
7 | SS Blake Davis, Illinois | New Orleans Saints | Cody.smith |
8 | TE Kareem Pitts, Florida | Carolina Panthers | Gunn |
9 | OLB Van Jackson, Notre Dame | New York Jets | SilentxNinja |
10 | DE Ray Seymour, LSU | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
11 | WR Maalik Henderson, Notre Dame | New Orleans Saints | Cody.smith |
12 | SS Benny Trill, Oregon | Kansas City Chiefs | James’ |
13 | CB Alex Bernard, West Virginia | Baltimore Ravens | Jacobb02 |
14 | DT Ava Cowden, Florida | Pittsburgh Steelers | Beatitdownb |
15 | DT Deon Bordeaux, LSU | Tennessee Titans | ryanmoreland |
16 | HB Bode Dale, Florida | Philadelphia Eagles | Stmac |
17 | CB Kelvin Diggs, Kentucky | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
18 | HB RaQ Rhodes, Michigan | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
19 | MLB Axel Holgerson, Michigan | Pittsburgh Steelers | Beatitdownb |
20 | QB Del Toro, Notre Dame | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
21 | WR Brandon Oliver, USC | Baltimore Ravens | Jacobb02 |
22 | TE Robbie Legg, USC | San Francisco 49ers | SGEasty |
23 | OLB Milo Pinesaw, Boise State | Kansas City Chiefs | James’ |
Round 4
Pick | Selection | Team | GM |
1 | CB Captian Carter, Georgia | Carolina Panthers | Gunn |
2 | CB Bradley Charles, Alabama | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
3 | CB Moe Black, West Virginia | New Orleans Saints | Cody.smith |
4 | WR Joey Wolford, Texas | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
5 | MLB Colt Lawrence, USC | Los Angeles Chargers | Stephens |
6 | WR Bruce Roberson, Clemson | Tennessee Titans | ryanmoreland |
7 | SS Drake Masters, Kentucky | New Orleans Saints | Cody.smith |
8 | WR Rocko Britt, Alabama | Chicago Bears | Ware |
9 | WR Joshua Sims, Florida State | New York Jets | SilentxNinja |
10 | TE Richard Satchel, Oklahoma State | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
11 | OLB Destiny Buss, North Carolina | New Orleans Saints | Cody.smith |
12 | WR Tatum Washington, Florida | Dallas Cowboys | Blake Grant |
13 | HB Rocco Rambo, North Carolina | Jacksonville Jaguars | AssuredFame |
14 | SS Buster Cox, Penn State | Houston Texans | Clutch |
15 | DE Struan McAllister, Florida | Miami Dolphins | CLawrence |
16 | WR Brandon DeMoura, Pittsburgh | Philadelphia Eagles | Stmac |
17 | TE Brett Fink, Notre Dame | Tennessee Titans | ryanmoreland |
18 | FS Apollo Richardson, Florida State | Tennessee Titans | ryanmoreland |
19 | WR Deebo Banks, North Carolina | Houston Texans | Clutch |
20 | TE Jasper McDonald, Boise State | New York Jets | SilentxNinja |
21 | OLB Tay Langston, LSU | Baltimore Ravens | Jacobb02 |
22 | WR Tobias Johnson, Auburn | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
23 | DE Fred VanSickle, Syracuse | Kansas City Chiefs | James’ |