
Player Upgrades

Player upgrades are non-refundable after purchase.


Custom Equipment

  • Allow complete customization of your player’s on field gear including bicep bands, calf bands, neck roll, elbow pads, ankle and knee braces and a dark visor.

Attribute Upgrades

All attributes apply to the entirety of your player’s career (max four seasons). Upgrade packs reset when a player graduates, leaves early, quits or is removed from his team. Player upgrades are non-refundable after purchase. Not all packs affect OVR the same. This can vary by star level, position and archetype. Player upgrades are non-refundable after purchase.


Awareness Pack

  • +1 awareness

Ball Carrier Vision Pack

  • +1 ball carrier vision

Block Shedding Pack

  • +1 block shedding

Break Tackle Pack

  • +1 break tackle

Catch In Traffic Pack

  • +1 catch in traffic

Catching Pack

  • +1 catching

Elusiveness Pack

  • +1 elusiveness

Finesse Move Pack

  • +1 finesse move

Hit Power Pack

  • +1 hit power

Impact Blocking Pack

  • +1 impact blocking

Juke Move Pack

  • +1 juke move

Kick Accuracy Pack

  • +1 kick accuracy

Kick Return Pack

  • +1 kick return

Man Coverage Pack

  • +1 man coverage

Pass Blocking Pack

  • +1 pass blocking

Play Recognition Pack

  • +1 play recognition

Power Move Pack

  • +1 power move

Press Pack

  • +1 press

Pursuit Pack

  • +1 pursuit

Release Pack

  • +1 release

Route Running Pack

  • +1 route running

Run Blocking Pack

  • +1 run blocking

Spectacular Catch Pack

  • +1 spectacular catch

Spin Move Pack

  • +1 spin move

Stiff Arm Pack

  • +1 stiff arm

Tackle Pack

  • +1 tackle

Throw Accuracy Pack

  • +1 throw accuracy

Trucking Pack

  • +1 trucking

Zone Coverage Pack

  • +1 zone coverage

AD Packs

AD upgrades are non-refundable after purchase.


AD Expansion Team

  • Grants exclusive rights to control a team within the league
  • Includes all processing of team entry (i.e. locker room, website and roster processing)
  • Must be approved by the league as an AD before purchasing

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