By: Ryan Moreland (@ryanmoreland)
We are finally at the final rounds of the draft. Every senior player will end up being drafted, it is just a matter of where. So we have the first pick of the fifth round to Mr. Irrelevant. Let’s dive in.
Note: This is not a pro league, just a draft for fun.
Another note: I didn’t track trades this season because there were so many this season. I am reworking how they are tracked so we have them for next season.
Round 5
Pick | Selection | Team | GM |
1 | OLB James Horton, Georgia | New Orleans Saints | Cody.smith |
2 | SS Bryce Strawn, Michigan | Washington Commanders | Triipz |
3 | HB Tank Lionheart, Alabama | Carolina Panthers | Gunn |
4 | MLB Isabella DeJesus, Florida State | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
5 | DE Caden Norris, Michigan | Los Angeles Chargers | Stephens |
6 | FS Drew Caleb, Oregon | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
7 | DE Christian Madry, Notre Dame | Atlanta Falcons | Tankasaursrex |
8 | MLB Jon Lee, Alabama | Chicago Bears | Ware |
9 | DT JasDionne Henry, Illinois | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
10 | CB Jason Myers, Pittsburgh | Las Vegas Raiders | Grin |
11 | MLB Justin Ballard, MLB | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
12 | TE John Holcomb, Miami | Seattle Seahawks | Bradenb |
13 | K Damani Marley, Notre Dame | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
14 | QB McKade Alber, Boise State | Pittsburgh Steelers | Beatitdownb |
15 | CB Mehki Vazquez, Penn State | Miami Dolphins | CLawrence |
16 | SS Justice Hall, Illinois | Philadelphia Eagles | Stmac |
17 | WR Jaxson Bugg, Oklahoma State | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
18 | HB Storm Odie, Auburn | Washington Commanders | Triipz |
19 | SS James Braxton, LSU | Houston Texans | Clutch |
20 | MLB Brian Andrews, Illinois | Dallas Cowboys | Blake Grant |
21 | TE Cassian Eichenberg, Michigan | Baltimore Ravens | Jacobb02 |
22 | DT Paul Painter, Oklahoma State | San Francisco 49ers | SGEasty |
23 | SS Chad Wendel, Auburn | Kansas City Chiefs | James’ |
Round 6
Pick | Selection | Team | GM |
1 | SS Sammy Smith, Alabama | Seattle Seahawks | Bradenb |
2 | WR James Newton, Florida State | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
3 | CB Jeff Johnson, Illinois | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
4 | HB Duke Peterson, Clemson | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
5 | WR Ellis Budde, Notre Dame | Los Angeles Chargers | Stephens |
6 | CB Christian Mann, Florida | Dallas Cowboys | Blake Grant |
7 | DT Bubba Hendricks, Clemson | Atlanta Falcons | Tankasaursrex |
8 | HB James Stanton, Texas | Chicago Bears | Ware |
9 | SS Zack Boyd, Syracuse | New York Jets | SilentxNinja |
10 | DE Jeremiah Griffin, Florida | Las Vegas Raiders | Grin |
11 | CB Troy Crosier, Clemson | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
12 | MLB Leroy White, West Virginia | Seattle Seahawks | Bradenb |
13 | TE Norm Morrissey, Kentucky | Jacksonville Jaguars | AssuredFame |
14 | CB Billy Jude, Ohio State | Pittsburgh Steelers | Beatitdownb |
15 | WR Phillip Allen, Kentucky | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
16 | FS Jake Rice, Notre Dame | Philadelphia Eagles | Stmac |
17 | FS Micah Jenkins, Oklahoma State | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
18 | WR Tanner Wilson, Michigan | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
19 | WR Timothy Banger, Oklahoma State | Houston Texans | Clutch |
20 | HB Aldous Sampson, Washington | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
21 | DT Harry Coggins, Illinois | Baltimore Ravens | Jacobb02 |
22 | MLB Garrett Evans, Syracuse | San Francisco 49ers | SGEasty |
23 | WR Amiri Hashimoto | Kansas City Chiefs | James’ |
Round 7
Pick | Selection | Team | GM |
1 | CB Andrew Stevens, Georgia | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
2 | FB Jameson Emanuele, Florida | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
3 | K Jester Blewitt, Michigan | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
4 | QB Kyson Carey, Tennessee | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
5 | FS Brandon Parker, Illinois | Los Angeles Chargers | Stephens |
6 | WR Domani Green, West Virginia | Miami Dolphins | CLawrence |
7 | MLB Donte Caelan, Texas | Atlanta Falcons | Tankasaursrex |
8 | DT Terrance Dierker Britt, Alabama | Chicago Bears | Ware |
9 | HB Joe Beasley, West Virginia | Detriot Lions | Vennom |
10 | WR Javion Tate, Michigan | Las Vegas Raiders | Grin |
11 | CB Scott Barnes, Notre Dame | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
12 | HB KJ Kretzer, Georgia | Baltimore Ravens | Jacobb02 |
13 | QB Terry Olliff, Oklahoma State | Jacksonville Jaguars | AssuredFame |
14 | HB Dorian Hunter, Baylor | Pittsburgh Steelers | Beatitdownb |
15 | TE Darius Harris, Pittsburgh | Miami Dolphins | CLawrence |
16 | TE Stone Williams, Baylor | Philadelphia Eagles | Stmac |
17 | MLB Brendan Fowler, Penn State | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
18 | QB Brantley Gauci, Ohio State | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
19 | DT Robert King, North Carolina | Houston Texans | Clutch |
20 | OLB Emmit Crow, Florida | Jacksonville Jaguars | AssuredFame |
21 | CB Anthony Gray, Auburn | Baltimore Ravens | Jacobb02 |
22 | SS Lance White, Cincinnati | San Francisco 49ers | SGEasty |
23 | K Jonah Henry, Illinois | Kansas City Chiefs | James’ |
Round 8
Pick | Selection | Team | GM |
1 | DT Brian Davis, Notre Dame | Seattle Seahawks | Bradenb |
2 | TE Wyatt Scott, LSU | Washington Commanders | Triipz |
3 | DT Thomas Harris, Washington | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
4 | K Boom Hauer, Penn State | Arizona Cardinals | Logan |
5 | TE Trey Stivers, Oregon | Los Angeles Chargers | Stephens |
6 | TE Dave Dawkins, Pittsburgh | Dallas Cowboys | Blake Grant |
7 | K Mohamed Jones, Pittsburgh | Atlanta Falcons | Tankasaursrex |
8 | K Rocky Rodgers, Boise State | Chicago Bears | Ware |
9 | FS Malcolm Moses, Syracuse | New York Jets | SilentxNinja |
10 | DT Anthony Dowell, Cincinnati | Las Vegas Raiders | Grin |
11 | WR Troy Monney, Washington | New England Patriots | 409Kay |
12 | MLB Brody McClain, Oklahoma State | Seattle Seahawks | Bradenb |
13 | WR Chris Darby, Pittsburgh | Jacksonville Jaguars | AssuredFame |
14 | TE Marcus Chamberlain, Notre Dame | Pittsburgh Steelers | Beatitdownb |
15 | DE Jason Mallory, Notre Dame | Miami Dolphins | CLawrence |
16 | K Yohan Sebastian, Clemson | Philadelphia Eagles | Stmac |
17 | DT Max Matthie, Florida | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
18 | K Vinny Trill, Oregon | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Cole |
19 | K Johnny Dixon, LSU | Houston Texans | Clutch |
20 | CB JD Callahan, Oregon | Kansas City Chiefs | James’ |
21 | K Frank White, West Virginia | Baltimore Ravens | Jacobb02 |
22 | K Panzer Brighton, Syracuse | San Francisco 49ers | SGEasty |
23 | TE Arron Blackburn, Alabama | Kansas City Chiefs | James’ |
24 | TE Jacob Killington, Clemson | New England Patriots | 409Kay |