By: Zachary Davis (@assuredfame)
For 13 seasons Clutch was an AD in the CFSL. He started with Clemson and eventually brought Boise State into the CFSL. He has been an institution and will be remembered as one of the best ADs the league has seen.
He recently announced his retirement from the AD ranks, which is why I sat down with him to ask him about the last 13 seasons and what the future may hold. Here is the interview.
Question: What are the most memorable moments from your AD career that you will always cherish?
Clutch: The biggest one is winning the championship in Season 8. Some other top ones would be winning the PIT championship and then getting voted into the HOF.
Q: How do you think the landscape of football AD’ing has evolved since you began your career?
Clutch: It’s night and day different. Game planning and that end of things are similarish from when I started, but the recruiting aspect of things has evolved so much with everyone’s new ideas and ways they have done recruiting. It’s just way more in-depth now.
Q: What advice would you give to aspiring ADs/ coaches who are just starting in their careers?
Clutch: Ask questions. Try new things and don’t overthink.
Q: Are there any particular players or teams that you’ve coached that have left a lasting impact on you? If so, why?
Clutch: I feel like each team and player had something special to offer in their own way. To be able to pick would be hard. I have made some great friends along the way and had some amazing teams. I was truly blessed in my time being an AD with the people I was able to have on my teams.
Q: Looking back on your career, is there anything you would have done differently, or any regrets you have?
Clutch: I mean there is always something… I could have done differently along the way to have made some of the outcomes different in favor of better results. But there isn’t a time that sticks out in my mind of something I regret doing or would have done over specifically. Overall, I feel like I coached and game-planned how I wanted to and stuck to my guns along the way. I don’t really have anything I would change or regret doing.
Clutch is staying in the league as a player and hasn’t completely ruled out a return to the AD ranks one day. For now, though, he is going to enjoy the break from the extra responsibility. Good luck to him in the future and thanks from the league for all your hard work.