By: Ryan Moreland (@ryanmoreland)
Every year we gather with our friends and family to give thanks for all we have. Here in the CFSL, I want to do the same. After all, there are a lot of people that deserve thanks.
Many of you might not realize all that happens behind the scenes to make the league run smoothly. This article is to give those folks some thanks this Thanksgiving.
Let’s start with the unsung hero of the CFSL. You may not know this, but Miranda Murph, the wife of West Virginia AD Nate Murph, is the CFSL’s stats woman. She is the one who compiles the stats from games and gets them on the site. There is a team of stat pulling, but in the words of El Presidente, “She does about 80% of games.” Without her work, we wouldn’t have stats on the site. This would mean we wouldn’t have a lot of content, broadcasting would be a lot harder, and awards would be impossible. On behalf of the league, I say thanks Miranda for all that you do.
I also want to thank the Content Team, who put a lot of work into the articles they write. There are many talented writers on the Content Team, but I would like to single out Cole. Cole is not afraid to take on the longest and hardest articles at every turn. I am sure many of you have noticed how much content he has put out recently. Even if he forgets to put a byline in literally every article, I want to thank him for all the hard work he has done for the league. Also, if you haven’t already, you need to listen to his podcast. You won’t be disappointed.
Next up is the CFSL’s Broadcast Team. The league is blessed to have so many talented voices calling games each week. This time I want to highlight our most recent Broadcaster of the Year, David Ware. Ware’s energy level is always at 10 every night, which is one reason every other broadcaster loves calling games with him. Also, his touchdown calls are the best. Thanks, Ware, and the rest of the broadcast team, for bringing your best every night to the booth.
I want to thank the ADs, as well. Anyone who has ever coached in the league knows how much work the ADs put in every week. The league is lucky to have such a great group of coaches at the helm of the 24 teams that make up the CFSL. I won’t single anyone out here because there are simply too many great ones to settle on one. But I will say thank you to all of them for making the league so special.
Last, but certainly not least, let’s give thanks to the league’s front office. Frosty and Mike work tirelessly behind the scenes. Whether it is onboarding new recruits, producing games, or dealing with the ADs, Mike and Frosty are always putting in the hours to keep the league going. Thanks to them for the 1,000 different things they do every day.
Today, while you enjoy great food, football, and loved ones, take a moment to give thanks to all the people around the league who work hard to make the CFSL what it is!