CFSL Season 18 Draft Grades

BY: Tony Papol (@SGEasty)

The CFSL Season 18 Draft was completed over the weekend, and my colleague Cole Mantell (@LightningDragon) did an excellent job of breaking down the talent available, and the content team editor Ryan Moreland (@ryanmoreland) provided us with the draft picks and fantastic commentary.

Those articles are great in providing context to how well each team performed in the draft, and what grades they received. Multiple sources were used to determine the biggest needs of each team, and Cole’s Tier List provided great insight into where those players should have been drafted. A simple formula was used to give a rough grade, but I changed several grades that just felt too harsh. Context is a beautiful thing.

Arizona Cardinals

GM: Logan

Needs: DE, WR, CB, DT

Wants: QB, LB

R1 (4): QB Shaker Mayflower, Pittsburgh

R2 (25): DE Ezra Rogalski, Oklahoma State

R2 (30): WR Quinn James, Florida State

R3 (51): HB Derek Eldridge, Pittsburgh

R5 (93): FS DJ Hanson, Florida State

R6 (109): K Salvador Cruz, Florida

Round 1: We start off with a doozy of a pick. Arizona chose to ignore greater needs and went with a quarterback with the fourth overall selection. I actually like the decision with the number of talented quarterbacks available, but QB Shaker Mayflower was not the right pick here. All of the Tier 2 quarterbacks were still available at this point, as was Tier 1 Loki Gunderson.

Rounds 2-3: After trading later picks to pick up some more early talent, the Cardinals picked up a steal with the 25th pick of the draft in DE Ezra Rogalski. One of the best to ever play in the CFSL, Arizona gets a top-5 player in the second round. WR Quinn James and HB Derek Eldridge are quality pickups as well, but Eldridge doesn’t fill a need like CB or another DT.

Rounds 4-7: With only two picks in this stage of the draft FS/CB DJ Hanson fills that CB need. And K Salvador Cruz might be the most interesting player in the draft. With elite speed, strength, and tackling, the Cardinals might line him up at LB as well as kicking field goals.

Overall: Some quality picks mitigated by a puzzling-at-best choice at QB and no second defensive lineman.

Grade: B-

Atlanta Falcons

GM: Tankasaursrex

Needs: DE, QB, CB, WR

Wants: None

R1 (3): DT Fetu Apatu, Auburn

R2 (38): DE Valentino Villarreal

R3 (49): FS Ed Lott, North Carolina

R4 (70): DE Scott Reichle, Florida State

R5 (91): WR Bastille LaRue, Auburn

R6 (112): DE Joshua Bolton, Auburn

R7 (133): K Pacer Smith Miller, Alabama

Round 1: As we have been talking about for days, the pick of DT Fetu Apatu at 3rd overall is… not good. I have it graded out as the worst pick of the draft, which isn’t very surprising. I do like the priority being placed on DE/DT, but Laci White, Ezra Rogalski, and Jay Gates were all available here. Just a miss.

Rounds 2-3: The 2nd round pick of DE Valentino Villarreal is a good one. A Tier 1 player available at 37th overall is a snag, but the pick of S Ed Lott doesn’t make sense to me. Safety is not a position the Falcons should be targeting at this time in the draft. Pick up a QB, CB, or WR.

Rounds 4-7: DE Scott Reichle is a good pickup in the 4th round, and WR Bastille LaRue adds some fun versatility, being able to play WR and OLB. However, I have to think that these picks need to focus on QB or CB.

Overall: Bad 3rd overall pick, plus not getting a QB or CB hurt the Falcons, though their defensive line unit will be impressive.

Grade: F

Baltimore Ravens

GM: Jacobb02

Needs: CB, DT, WR, DE

Wants: None

R2 (24): HB John Paul Smith, West Virginia

R3 (59): DT Daniel Winston, Miami

R4 (66): WR Thane Lewis, Auburn

R4 (69): CB Hershel Duke, Oklahoma State

R4 (72): OLB Thomas Schultz, Notre Dame

R4 (83): WR Demetrius Reese, Clemson

R5 (104): TE Joseph Bautista, Auburn

R6 (106): DE Dior Washington, Kentucky

R7 (135): TE Ted Krzysik, West Virginia

R7 (146): WR Richard Cassell, Pittsburgh

Round 1: The Ravens made multiple trades leading up to the draft to net them 10 total picks, the most of any team. They do not get a 1st round pick, but they will be able to stockpile players.

Rounds 2-3: Daniel Winston was, in my opinion, underrated in the Tier ratings, so I like him in the 3rd round. But the 2nd round pick of HB John Paul Smith is confusing. HB is not a need of the Ravens, not like CB is. I understand wanting to grab quality talent when it is available, but I believe a back similar to JPS’s ability would have been available later in the draft.

Rounds 4-7: Picking up WRs Thane Lewis and Demetrius Reese in this section of the draft are good value picks, but the CB Hershel Duke has stumped me. He is a good player, but rated at Tier 4, higher quality talent was available earlier in the draft and in this position as well. Mr. Irrelevant is picked up by the Ravens as well in WR Richard Cassell. We’ll see if he can become the next Brock Purdy.

Overall: Tons of picks, but misses at CB and only one marquee signing in a loaded draft class drops them.

Grade: C-

Carolina Panthers

GM: DanielGunn

Needs: DE, WR, TE

Wants: None

R1 (6): WR JT Cass Jr., Florida

R2 (22): WR Steven Rodriguez, Boise State

R2 (29): DE George Yost, Toledo

R3 (45): CB Alexander Kirsch, Alabama

R4 (80): TE Juni Winter, Florida State

R5 (85): DT Jeff Knight, North Carolina

R5 (101): DE DeAndre Gross, North Carolina

Round 1: Taking the best WR of all time is never a bad pick. WR JT Cass Jr. fills a need for a WR and is a great pick, plain and simple.

Rounds 2-3: The Panthers double down at WR and pick up WR Steven Rodriguez in the 2nd round, which is another solid down-field option. DE/OLB George Yost at pick 29 is a steal, and CB Alexander Kirsch, while not filling a need, is a Tier 1 player found in the 3rd round.

Rounds 4-7: While only getting 3 picks in this section of the draft, all three picks are excellent. TE Juni Winter, DT Jeff Knight, and DE DeAndre Gross are all Tier 2 players picked up in the late rounds, giving them excellent returns on investment.

Overall: By far the best draft class of Season 18. Fantastic value and filling all positions of need.

Grade: A+

Chicago Bears

GM: jmel

Needs: QB, WR, DE, DT

Wants: CB

R1 (5): QB Derrick Power, Oklahoma

R2 (46): OLB JW Eibeck, Illinois

R3 (47): DE Cillian MacBride, Eastern Michigan

R4 (68): FS Adam Sala, West Virginia

R5 (89): WR Johnathan Blanton, Eastern Michigan

R6 (110): CB Maddie Wine, Bowling Green
R7 (131): K Waylon Wright, Miami

Round 1: The Bears get a new quarterback in QB Derrick Power, which fills the obvious need, but I can’t help but wonder if QB Loki Gunderson was the better pick here. But Power is a solid option that the Bears must have liked on his visit.

Rounds 2-3: OLB JW Eibeck and DE Cillian MacBride are two Tier 1 players drafted in these rounds, which is great value. WR or DT would have been a higher need for both of these picks, but they are solid options.

Rounds 4-7: I am confused by the FS Adam Sala pick in the 4th round, as S is not a position of need, but getting WR Johnathan Blanton in the 5th round is a good pick for the round. However, I have to think that filling that WR spot earlier would have gotten a higher-upside player, especially at the next level of football. And with all of the picks in this round, the Bears probably should have picked up a DT to fill that need as well.

Overall: Not drafting a DT and potentially missing on the QB pick hurts, but Eibeck and MacBride are solid pickups.

Grade: C-

Cincinnati Bengals

GM: Greg Cooksey

Needs: DT, TE

Wants: None

R1 (12): DT Israel Jordan Ward, Kentucky

R2 (33): TE Steven Eastridge, Georgia

R3 (54): OLB Tyrell Kross, Notre Dame

R4 (75): WR Nasir Kooper, Clemson

R5 (96): QB Tony Ellis, West Virginia

R6 (117): CB Kenneth Narwick, Pittsburgh

R7 (138): DE Rex O’Brien, Illinois

Round 1: DT is one of the only needs, and it gets filled perfectly with DT Israel Jordan Ward.

Rounds 2-3: TE is the other position of need, and they wasted their pick on stinky TE Steven Eastridge. He shouldn’t have been drafted. Otherwise, a good pick that fills the need. The 3rd round pick of OLB Tyrell Kross is a big shock to me. He is a reach as a Tier 3 player in this round, and LB is definitely not a position of need for the Bengals.

Rounds 4-7: WR Kasir Kooper is a solid 4th-round pick to help out at WR, and they took a QB with Tony Ellis as their backup. I like not taking QB Loki Gunderson with this pick, so there won’t be any potential QB controversy in Cincinnati.

Overall: The Bengals filled both positions of need at DT and TE and got some other quality players, but a potentially wasted 3rd round pick keeps this from being an A+.

Grade: A-

Cleveland Browns

GM: VinnyTrill

Needs: DT, WR

Wants: S

R1 (16): DE Jay Gates, Miami

R2 (37): WR Smoke Orleans, Texas

R3 (58): MLB JayCee Newton, Florida State

R4 (79): SS Colby Ray Walker, Florida

R5 (100): TE Butch Hetherton, Oklahoma

R6 (121):  OLB Haisten Kai, Ohio State

R7 (142): FS Rich Johnson, Notre Dame

Round 1: Getting DE Jay Gates at Pick 16 is a fantastic deal, and it fills one of the biggest needs for the Browns. The defensive line will improve immediately.

Rounds 2-3: WR Smoke Orleans is a well-known name in the CFSL, but few realize just how talented he is. A good pick in the second round, followed by another solid pick in MLB JayCee Newton. Picking a S with a pick might have been more valuable, but Newton is a solid player.

Rounds 4-7: S/HB Colby Ray Walker is a tantalizing pick, as he fills the safety need and can be utilized in the halfback position as well. The 5th-round pick of Butch Hetherton is curious, as TE is not needed and DE might have been a better option.

Overall: All positions of need are filled, but taking S a round late and prioritizing TE in round 5 knocks them down.

Grade: A-

Dallas Cowboys

GM: Wookie

Needs: CB, LB

Wants: WR, DT, RB

R1 (15): WR Blake Elder, Florida State

R2 (36): DT Shane Lloyd, Notre Dame

R3 (57): SS Jakoby Cobb, West Virginia

R4 (78): CB Noah Shaikh, Miami

R5 (99): OLB Wesley Bellomy, West Virginia

R6 (120): WR Jack Keane, Pittsburgh

R7 (141): K Alexi Kear, Florida State

Round 1: WR Blake Elder is such a versatile offensive weapon that the Cowboys will utilize immediately. Playing WR, HB, and Returner is extremely valuable. He is perhaps the next Christian McCaffrey-like player in the NFL. Although, CB is the biggest need, and that has to wait.

Rounds 2-3: DT Shane Lloyd is a good selection in round 2, but SS/OLB Jakoby Cobb is a reach in the 3rd round. The versatility is nice, but CB still has not been addressed.

Rounds 4-7: CB Noah Shaikh fills the need at CB, but the biggest need for the Cowboys should have been taken before round 4. OLB Wesley Bellomy is a nice value pickup in round 5 that fills the LB need as well.

Overall: Blake Elder and Shane Lloyd are great pickups, but waiting to pick a CB drops this grade, as does reaching for Cobb.

Grade: B-

Denver Broncos

GM: Skyballr

Needs: DE, CB, QB, WR

Wants: DT

R1 (10): WR Titus Price, Alabama

R2 (31): OLB Blake Grant, Texas

R3 (52): CB Gerald Pope, Ohio State

R4 (73): TE Daniel Begley, Michigan

R5 (94): DE Muhammad Smith, Pittsburgh

R6 (115): MLB Jason Porter, Pittsburgh

R7 (136): K Preston Rhude, Oklahoma State

Round 1: WR/CB Titus Price is an excellent 1st round pick, as the versatility answers two needs at once. Great value with one pick.

Rounds 2-3: OLB Blake Grant is not the right pick in the second round, as QB and DE are needed here. CB Gerald Pope is a solid pick to double up the need at CB.

Rounds 4-7: TE Daniel Begley is a confusing pick. He might be a bit overrated as a Tier 1 player, but he is a good value pick. However, TE is a poor positional pick, as QB is still needed. DE Muhammad Smith is a good draft pick at 94 overall.

Overall: Titus Price is a great pick, but Grant and Begley are mistakes, and not drafting a QB is a big miss.

Grade: C+

Los Angeles Chargers

GM: Stephens

Needs: CB, DE

Wants: DT, TE, WR, LB

R1 (11): WR Trystin Haynes, Florida

R2 (32): DT Mo Hart, Boise State

R3 (53): DE Houston Kai, Illinois

R4 (74): HB Gabriel Zeigler, Miami

R5 (95): CB Cletarius White, Illinois

R6 (116): FS Frank Mason, Illinois

R7 (137): K Guy Blewitt, Texas

Round 1: WR Trystin Haynes is a missed pick in the first round. He is a Tier 2 talent, and CB and DE are needed more.

Rounds 2-3: DT Mo Hart is a missed pick as well, being a Tier 3 player picked in the 2nd round. The versatility of DE/OLB Houston Kai has nice value.

Rounds 4-7: HB Gabriel Zeigler is yet another over-valued pick, and HB is not a need for the Chargers. Los Angeles finally takes a CB in the 5th round with CB Cletarius White. This need should have been filled earlier.

Overall: Multiple overvalued prospects and not taking a CB until the 5th round brings this grade way down.

Grade: D

Miami Dolphins

GM: Ware

Needs: TE

Wants: DT

R1 (7): TE Cadbury Wellington, North Carolina

R2 (28): HB William Tree, Florida

R4 (64): CB Silus Riggs, Boise State

R6 (122): FB Corbin Archer, Ohio State

Round 1: TE was the biggest need for the Dolphins, and TE Cadbury Wellington is the best we have ever seen in the CFSL. An excellent weapon on a great team.

Rounds 2-3: By taking HB William Tree in the second round, Miami adds another versatile weapon, as Tree is a great receiving back. However, skipping on DT here does knock down the value a bit.

Rounds 4-7: CB Silus Riggs is a good pick that fills a potential depth spot at CB. The pick of FB Corbin Archer is a strange one, as Miami rarely uses the position, and DT would be the bigger pickup.

Overall: Even with only 4 picks, Miami increased their draft capital. Wellington is a massive pickup, but drafting an HB and FB over a DT knocks this down from the A category.

Grade: B+

New England Patriots

GM: 409Kay

Needs: QB, DE

Wants: WR

R1 (1): QB Ryan Moreland, Oklahoma State

R1 (20): WR Tatiana Hoops, North Carolina

R5 (87): WR JJ Lang, Kentucky

R6 (108): SS Rolf Altmann, Texas

R6 (125): OLB John Smith, Miami

R7 (129): K Luca Rivers, Kent State

Round 1: The Patriots traded up to the #1 pick to make sure they got the QB they wanted. And it was worth it, picking up an all-time great in QB Ryan Moreland. The Patriots are also the only team in the draft that had two 1st round picks. WR Tatiana Hoops, with over 3000 receiving yards, is a solid option at WR. DE would have been a better pick, but now Moreland has a solid rookie WR option to target on Sundays.

Rounds 2-3: In trading up for the #1 pick, New England gave up both picks in these rounds.

Rounds 4-7: WR JJ Lang is another weapon for Moreland to target, but yet again it isn’t a DE. True athlete SS Rolf Altmann is overpicked as a Tier 4 talent, and S is another position that depth is good for but isn’t a DE.

Overall: Picking Moreland #1 makes this draft a success no matter what for the Patriots, but not taking a DE knocks it down from an A.

Grade: B

New Orleans Saints

GM: Cody.Smith

Needs: DE, DT

Wants: None

R1 (13): QB Ayden Martinez, North Carolina

R3 (43): WR Josiah Mosley, West Virginia

R4 (76): DT Kade Padgett, Michigan

R5 (97): DE Mikie Gold, Clemson

R6 (118): WR BrySon Homan, Kentucky

R7 (127): CB Ted Zelenock, Illinois

R7 (139): MLB Andrew Cannedy, Oklahoma State

R7 (143): K Freddie Franklin, North Carolina

Round 1: New Orleans wanted to make sure they got their quarterback and went over their needs to pick up QB Ayden Martinez. I am fine with making this pick to ensure they got a quality field general.

Rounds 2-3: WR Josiah Mosley is a nice pick-up at the WR position, but after skipping on DE and DT in the first round, not picking one here is a miss.

Rounds 4-7: DT Kade Padgett and DE Mikie Gold are solid picks to fill the needs of the Saints, and Gold is a good value pick. WR BrySon Homan is a decent pick at WR, but I would expect another need like S or TE to be prioritized with this and later picks.

Overall: The Saints have their new QB, but not prioritizing DT and DE, as well as picking “fine” players at other positions, brings the grade down.

Grade: C

New York Giants

GM: Syrok

Needs: WR, CB, DE

Wants: DT, QB, S, RB

R1 (2): QB Cece Range, Alabama

R2 (23): WR Matthew Cherry, Georgia

R3 (44): DT Collin McDowell, Texas

R4 (65): CB Zay Martinez, Illinois

R5 (86): CB Luca Hudson, Illinois

R6 (107): OLB Henry Pate III, Boise State

R7 (128): FS Kendrick Jarrett, Auburn

Round 1: The Giants have their new franchise QB in QB Cece Range. The Giants were either going to select Range or Moreland with this pick, and they got their man, even though it was not the biggest need.

Rounds 2-3: WR Matthew Cherry is a great pick as a weapon for Range with the second-round pick, and DT Collin McDowell is another solid option on the defensive line. I would have loved to see a DE here, or a player with position versatility, like DT/DE players, but it is still a good pick.

Rounds 4-7: CBs Zay Martinez and Luca Hudson are both solid players from Illinois who fill the CB need, and I love the 6th-round pick of OLB/SS Henry Pate III. He is a solid player that can come off the edge on a blitz or drop in coverage. Still, no DE was taken in these rounds though.

Overall: The Giants got their QB in Range and added quality picks throughout. However, not filling the DE need and not picking up an RB drops a bit.

Grade: B

New York Jets

GM: SilentxNinja

Needs: WR

Wants: DT, S, QB

R1 (9): DE Laci White, Miami

R3 (46): QB Dylan Shumate, Illinois

R3 (62): CB Wrangler Brown, Oklahoma State

R4 (67): TE Justin Duke, Texas

R5 (88): OLB Devin Rudisell, Oklahoma State

R6 (114): FS Deuce Palmer, Oklahoma

R7 (130): WR Trey Meekins III, Oregon

Round 1: DE/DT Laci White is the all-time sack leader, and taking her at #9 overall might be a value pickup here.

Rounds 2-3: The Jets have their new quarterback in QB Dylan Shumate, a solid play caller. QB Loki Gunderson was still on the board, but they must have liked Shumate more. CB/WR Wrangler Brown is a good player who can fill multiple positions, filling the WR need. The defense might be the better side for him though.

Rounds 4-7: TE Justin Duke and LB Devin Rudisell are good players, but TE and LB are not needed for the Jets, so they might be wasted picks, but the talent and value are good. S Deuce Palmer is a good draft in round 6 as well.

Overall: Good value that covered the major needs, but two mid-round wasted picks prevent the grade from being higher.

Grade: A-

Philadelphia Eagles

GM: Stmac

Needs: CB, S, WR

Wants: LB

R1 (21): CB Shawn Adams, Georgia

R2 (42): MLB Maverick Rivers, Kent State

R3 (63): FS Kaz Allen, Pittsburgh

R4 (84): SS Brandon Catchings, Illinois

R5 (105): WR Bryson Stamper, Illinois

R6 (126): WR Rocky Franklin, Auburn

Round 1: CB was one of the biggest needs for Philadelphia, and they got a great player in CB Shawn Adams to fill it. He also led the CFSL in total return yards in Season 18, so they have a great returner as well.

Rounds 2-3: MLB Maverick Rivers fills the LB need and provides versatility by being able to play HB as well. I think this might be a reach though, as he is likely available in round 3, and they needed S and WR more. The Kazmanian Devil FS Kaz Allen is a good pickup in the 3rd round.

Rounds 4-7: Even with only 6 total picks, the Eagles capitalize on them with good players in S Brandon Catchings, WR Bryson Stamper, and WR Rocky Franklin.

Overall: Great picks that filled all needs, but a bit of a reach in Round 2 prevents this from being an A+.

Grade: A

Pittsburgh Steelers

GM: Beatitdownb

Needs: CB

Wants: S

R1 (14): MLB Ryan Schultz, Alabama

R2 (35): DT Hiro Nakajima, Alabama

R3 (56): WR Nate Hayes, Alabama

R4 (77): MLB Wes Finy, North Carolina

R5 (98): SS Brandon Daniels, Northern Illinois

R6 (119): WR Gary Harrison, Kent State

R7 (140): DE Jaiden Carter, North Carolina

Round 1: A great pick in one of the best LBs of all time in LB Ryan Schultz, but CB is the biggest need while quality players are available.

Rounds 2-3: DT/DE Hiro Nakajima is a solid value pick in the 2nd round, and WR Nate Hayes is a quality offensive threat, but CB and S continue to fall down the list of priorities.

Rounds 4-7: MLB Wes Finy is a quality player, and SS Brandon Daniels finally fills the S need, but the biggest need for CB was not drafted at all.

Overall: They are good players, but not taking the biggest need at CB and waiting so long for an S gives them this grade.

Grade: C-

San Francisco 49ers

GM: SGEasty

Needs: CB

Wants: WR

R1 (19): CB Trevor Austin, North Carolina

R2 (40): SS Damelo Butler, Clemson

R3 (61): WR Cortez Largent, Boise State

R5 (90): MLB Luke Davis, Oklahoma

R5 (103): DE Jimmy McKirdy, West Virginia

R6 (111): HB Demario James Garcia, Florida State

R7 (132): TE Teddy Roberts, North Carolina

R7 (145): FS Ray Baker, Michigan

Round 1: CB was by far the biggest need entering the draft for the 49ers, and they fill it with CB Trevor Austin. Austin is also an all-time great returner, so San Francisco adds a return weapon as well.

Rounds 2-3: SS Damelo Butler is a reach for the 2nd round, but is does provide a solid option at S, while WR Cortez Largent is a big-body receiver that fills the WR need.

Rounds 4-7: MLB Luke Davis is a quality pick in the 4th round, and DE/DT Jimmy McKirdy backs up a loaded defensive line.

Overall: The needs are filled and lots of positions are given depth options, but Butler is a reach for the 2nd round.

Grade: B+

Seattle Seahawks

GM: Bradenb

Needs: DE

Wants: DT, QB

R1 (18): DT Jordan Baker, Florida State

R2 (39): MLB Ryder Mears, Auburn

R3 (60): FS Jordan Lyall, Pittsburgh

R4 (81): DE Mike Donlin, Pittsburgh

R5 (102): QB Loki Gunderson, Clemson

R6 (123): WR AJ Ragland, Oklahoma

R7 (144): K Hugo Calderon, West Virginia

Round 1: Taking DT Jordan Baker at 18th overall is a miss. I have it graded out as the 2nd worst pick of the draft. There was Tier 1 and Tier 2 players were available with this pick, especially at the higher-need DE position.

Rounds 2-3: MLB Ryder Mears is a solid player, but LB is not a need of the Seahawks. ATH Jordan Lyall provides extreme versatility in positions, but none of which are positions of need. This is another miss.

Rounds 4-7: Getting Tier 2 DE Mike Donlin in the 4th round is a great pick, and signing QB Loki Gunderson in the 5th round was the steal of the draft.

Overall: A very strange grade to give. Wasted early picks and lucky ones later in the draft result in this grade.

Grade: C+

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

GM: Cole Mantell

Needs: QB

Wants: DE, LB, WR, CB, TE

R1 (8): Tymundus Bell, Florida

R2 (34): CB Darian Conner, Texas

R3 (50): SS Zach Knight, Georgia

R3 (55): HB Ricky Hammer, Oklahoma State

R4 (71): DT Pierce Parker, Boise State

R5 (92): CB Brady Boutwell, Kentucky

R6 (113): SS Daxton Moore, North Carolina

R7 (134): WR Jimmie Brown, Notre Dame

Round 1: With the 8th overall pick, I would have loved to see a QB get taken here to fill the biggest need, but OLB/SS Tymundus Bell is a great consolation. An extremely talented player deserving of this pick.

Rounds 2-3: CB Darian Conner and SS Zach Knight are excellent players who will provide instant impacts for the Bucs, but again a QB was not taken.

Rounds 4-7: HB Ricky Hammer is a dynamic weapon that can play WR or HB, and DT Pierce Parker and CB Brady Boutwell are excellent 4th and 5th-round picks, respectively. ATH Daxton Moore was on a CFSL roster as a QB as a backup but never saw time in the position, so that is a bad pick for Tampa for their biggest need.

Overall: They had great value picks all the way through, but missing on QB knocks them down.

Grade: C

Tennessee Titans

GM: ryanmoreland

Needs: CB, WR

Wants: S

R1 (17): CB Rishaun Rylan, Oklahoma State

R2 (27): FS Tyrone Wysinger, Florida

R2 (41): WR Alex Morris, Notre Dame

R3 (48): TE Sayler Sage, Alabama

R4 (82): MLB Troy William, Alabama

R6 (124): WR Jason Miller, Pittsburgh

Round 1: CB and WR are the biggest needs for Tennessee, and they both get filled with the dynamic CB/WR Rishaun Rylan.

Rounds 2-3: The S position gets filled as well with FS Tyrone Wysinger, who will make explosive plays all over the field. WR Alex Morris is an excellent pick, one that could have been overlooked by other teams, and TE Sayler Sage provides versatility at the TE and FB position.

Rounds 4-7: MLB Troy William and WR Jason Miller provide depth to the Titans roster that could make impacts on special teams.

Overall: Excellent picks that fill all needs. The only reason this is not an A+ is that, with all the trades the Titans made, they lost draft value.

Grade: A

Here are the Top 10 teams of the Season 18 Draft

1Carolina PanthersDanielGunn
2Philadelphia EaglesStmac
3Tennessee TitansRyanMoreland
4Cincinnati BengalsGreg Cooksey
5Cleveland BrownsVinnyTrill
6New York JetsSilentxNinja
7Miami DolphinsWare
8San Francisco 49ersSGEasty
9New England Patriots409Kay
10New York GiantsSyrok

So many of us enjoyed drafting, and the response has been so great, that we have been talking about doing a similar draft for the seniors that graduated after Season 17. If you would like to be a part of the draft, please contact Ryan Moreland (@ryanmoreland) to express interest.


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