Nathan Johnson boxes out Eric Tyner for an interception
Kolby Kichler fights for the endzone
Ryan Lendy goes up for a big catch against Michigan
Thrasher Banes looking deep in the fog
Nick Harley rushes Zach Davis
Thor Gunderson snags a touchdown in the Shoe
Blake Wheeler scores against Texas
Allen Mack
Colten Allen closes on Vito Pipino
Manuel Silva celebrates a touchdown
Brandon Fowler makes a man miss for a score
Brad McFadden hauls in a touchdown
Zach Davis looks downfield
Manuel Silva fights with Ragnar Wood for the touchdown
Mark Cole steps in front of Brad McFadden for the interception
Brayden Ennis secures a close catch
Ethan Martin hauls in an over-the-shoulder pass
Joseph Robinson pulls in a touchdown against Oklahoma State
Talal Elagha snatches a pass for Ethan Martin
Houston Freeman snags a touchdown against the Ducks