Deandre Burks scrambles against Nebraska
Darrius Brewer launches an onside kick
Austin Turner dives to intercept a touchdown pass for Cash Jackson
Colten Allen rips to get the quarterback
Manuel Silva barrels to the endzone with Ragnar Wood and Adrian Taylor hanging off him
Cash Jackson hauls in a shot downfield
Remington Buck tries tro rip through to the quarterback
Nick Harley rushes the pocket
Tarraj Slips a couple tackles as he sets his sights on the endzone
Cash Jackson wards off a pair of Buckeyes down the sideline
Jimi Germaine winds up for a shot downfield
Tripp Warren hauls in a pass downfield
Connor Looney leaps to intercept a pass intended for Lloyd Silver
Dameko Brewer
Cash Jackson slips a tackle from Austin Turner
Kurt Andrews hauls in a pass downfield with Talal Elagha prepared to lay the lumber
Aaron Newsome hauls in a pass downfield
Remy Boudreaux kicks the onside kick
Cosmos Woods hauls in a shot downfield
Fred Perry is surrounded by Zak Howard, Rob Money, and Ikkuma Tulok as Perry looks to score