Tarraj Walker gets the carry off the read option with Clayton Denny
Peyton Myles forces a fumble out of Dior Chapman
Jalen Waters makes the catch vs. Clemson
Leo Asiata looks to throw deep
Jose Bueno and Marcus Duncan run the read option
Digby Kruase snags an interception out of the air
Elijah Tolentino
Elijah Tolentino snags this pass out of the air
Eric Maltser tries to stay ahead of the Hurricanes
Clayton Denny winds up for a big throw
Shoto Pence
Digby Krause wrapped up by Dior Chapman following an interception
Lord Helix completes this over the shoulder catch
Dee Frost climbs the ladder vs. Notre Dame
Marcus Duncan pushes his way into the endzone
Jade Brady makes catch vs. Clemson
Mohammad Dmour sacks Griffin Jelkic
Clayton Denny
Scott Fountain reaches for the touchdown
Cross Ferry III comes back to make the catch vs. Florida