Kemorian Moore makes Rashad James miss
Zachary White
Wilbur King Jr. beats Benn Grant for a catch
Brayden Ennis outruns the Trojans
Minkah Solo picks off Scott Fountain’s pass for Bryant Dynasty
Dowdy Dowell pushes Shoto Pence to the turf
Perry Pennel intercepts Adonis Jackson’s pass for Jalen Waters
Jefferson Allen begins his wind up vs. USC
Dior Chapman on a big rushing day vs. Texas
Ollie P. Peters
Akamu Lee makes a catch vs. Clemson
Bubba Bullard intercepts a pass for Wilbur King Jr.
Blaze Gunner beats the Seminoles deep
Benjamin Kaye
Dijon Swann shoves Devin Hill out of the way
Leo Asiata
Balion Siege
Brayden Ennis gets behind the Fighting Irish secondary
Kemorian Moore drags the Ducks to the endzone
Dijon Swann beats the Buckeyes for six