Ray Tatum throws a pass
Jacob Philhart runs the ball vs LSU
Brody Bodine catches a pass vs LSU
Jack Brown runs the ball vs Notre Dame
Gage Bitzer catches a pass vs Notre Dame
Markell Chapman runs with the ball vs Boise State
Bobby Jackson scores a touchdown vs Boise State
Aidric Berry runs the ball vs Michigan
Bobby Jackson catches a pass vs Boise State
Tylar Jones-Drew intercepts a pass
Kalu James sacks Blake Moon
Brandon Davis Jr stiff arms Kalu James
Tim Riggins runs the ball vs Auburn
Marvin Lynch sacks Blake Moon
Horace Lynch runs the ball vs Auburn
Alex Darr sacks Blake Moon
James Mitchell gets pressure vs Boise State
Mitchell Kennedy runs the ball vs Boise State
Caleb Douglas catches a pass vs Boise State
Josh Bradley sacks Aidric Berry